Who is Vijayasree Voora?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Who is Vijayasree Voora?

I chanced up on an article recently that chronicled her and her ‘crime’. I am not intimately connected with the family and therefore, absolve myself of any biases when I pen my opinion.

The article claims that Vijayasree, 39, “stole” her son and has been on the run for more than a year now. The article in a prominent Indian newspaper, seemed quite unlike a report; it literally “convicted” Vijayasree and paints a horrible picture of the woman being a demon of sorts. It is claimed that after a marital discord and court battle, she already separated from her husband, Viayasree fled the US with their son, Aditya. She is claimed to be obsessed with her child and suspects that Ravi, her husband was molesting the child. Of course, these claims are un-substantiated and there were attempts to counsel her.

I am more concerned with both the mother and the child now than the amount of truth in the report. What would a single mother without a job, almost no identity (she has to constantly hide it as there is an international kidnapping charge on her) and no source of income. Imagine the plight of the child who is all of six years old who is traveling across the Indian contient in taxies and staying in seedy hotels to not attract attention. He doesn’t get to attend school for his mother’s fear of being caught. She clearly suffers acute paranoia.

I can’t imagine the fear and anxiety gripping the terrified mother who is making the decision of hiring taxies, catching buses and choosing nondescript hotels, just in a bid to spend that one extra day, an extra hour with her son. Obviously, the courts have virtually sounded a death-knell about she being able to be in touch with the child she loves so dearly. She has been diagnozed to be suffering from fear psychosis and acute paranoia and having suicidal tendencies. Something tells me that though there may be a problem, her husband obviously has had access to better lawyers in the US (he is apparently a scientist) who have done a good job of painting a picture of the mother being a monster.

What can one do, when a mother is pushed to a corner and all doors of options are closed for her. Now, even if the father offers some reconcilliation, what guarantee does she have? He has managed to set up an international manhunt supported by the Supreme Courts of both India and the US, websites that implicate her and talk about her attrocities and has managed to have the media on his side. He even has a detective agency trying to hunt her (read his son) down. Worse, he also seems to have her parents, friends and relatives on his side. He is even suspecting her of having murdered her son! I fail to understand why on earth, if the mother would want to kill her own son after she made a choice to take him away with her to “protect” him. Now, where can you imagine she can go but nowhere?

The situation was turned worse by Ravi by getting too aggressive and using his position of power (relatively, compared to his ex-wife) to narrow her options one by one until a stage where she has none. Honestly, the situation calls for an immediate withdrawal of charges by the ex-husband and taking a reconciliatory position via the media and trying to reach her via her most trusted friends or relatives. That, if Ravi really wants a better future for his son and wants him to have a normal life with school, friends and known people around him, he has to open some of the closed doors and get Vijayasree to see that first, her son is safe and second, she has access to him and third, she is not going to be sent away to some mental asylum.

I have added a few links to know the story better as my write-up is only an opinion and the scope is not to trace the events that led to this situation. And, please exercise your own descrition when you read artciles and websites – at the end of the day, any report is not free from prejudices journalists and writers suffer from. Unbiased writing is socialism – too idealistic to exist.

Provided he does that, three lives could be better.

(To read more, follow the links http://www.rescueaditya.org/, http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Indians_Abroad/Kidnapper_mum_still_on_the_run/articleshow/3397732.cms).

Posted by Mindcrawler at 7:53 PM

Jacobdog said…

I can tell you who she is, if you want to know. She was my employer and more so my friend. There is a lot of truth to your letter and more. Artha, Vijayasree, hired me as Aditya’s nanny when he was about 2. I last saw him when he was 4. She was always a good mother and person. You may be the only one to have enough compassion and curious opinion to believe that, that is why I write this – maybe for my own sake as I don’t know what to do with my sadness about this. I am someone who can say she was a good mom, she never showed me different in the years I worked with her and befriended her.
I moved away and lost contact with her but have tried to locate her since her number was shut off awhile back; not knowing that all this happened. It is Jan 09 now. I am sad to read this current news about my friends. Aditya is such a sweet, loving, intelligent boy. It was a joy to work with them both. They were both special to me; they always told me I was special to them. I enjoyed our time together despite watched her deteriorate due to this court case that eventually put her on the run. She tried real hard to do the right thing the right way, I can say that truthfully. She tried real hard! My prayers are with them and their family, even the father. Aditya deserves nothing but the best.

January 8, 2009 10:22 PM 

Shobhit said…My advise to you is that the mother and child needs more than your prayers. They need your ability to provide evidence in the form of support in court. Have you thaught of yourself as a witness who could turnaround the case. Plus more people who are aware of the real story would stand up if they see you standing up for the monther and child.

January 22, 2009 11:51 PM 

Balakoti said…Chanced upon saveaditya.org and read the articles on the website.After reading the post while I do sympathize with the father, I would advocate the everybody exercise strong caution in judging the case just based on one sided version. Also just having court orders in someones favor doesn’t prove anything. Lot of us know how court cases can be manipulated. First how did the 38 year old lady turn mentally deranged and did she turn mentally deranged after birth of the child. If she did turn deranged did the husband do anything to cause her this illness. If not what was the husband doing all this while without providing proper treatment. How come the illness comes up during the divorce proceedings. Also did the husband physically or mentally torture her in any way. As far as the court cases are concerned, if one person is smart and the other person is dumb, then the smart person can collect one sided evidence to show that the mother doesn’t treat the kid well. I am not passing any judgement. But based on my personal experience I caution everybody to not pass judgement without proper information and asking questions. Vijaysree didn’t run away to India normally. She ran away during the course of divorce and loosing the custody of the child. Maybe she couldn’t let go of her child and couldn’t withstand manipulative husband in court. Again I say I am speculating. These are all possibilities.

March 4, 2009 9:58 AM 

Bhaks said…When i though about the whole thing logically thought the world does not rule logically , it seems that there was divorce case , Vijaysree was denied custody of son,she was said to be mentally ill and with her fear of ill treatment by father , she ran away with kid since she could not find any other way. I am quite shocked to find that how come no friends, family members are with her.. How could the father manupilate the family members ???
I feel very sory for her and I strongly feel , we all should try to find out real story and rescue her from all this flith…………..but how…..??? any body with solution…….since i hate only problems………

March 24, 2009 12:28 AM

nivedita said…How long does it take to find a woman on the run with a young child? Instead of passing judgement on who’s right and who’s wrong the court should first try to catch up with Vijayshree and Aditya. Imagine the plight of this 7 year old who is denied a normal life by a mother who is paranoid and a father who is hell bent in proving that the mother is mentally deranged.

I have a seven year old daughter and my heart goes out to Aditya and also to Vijayshree who is having to do so much just to be able to stay with her son. But Vijayshree must also understand that he is endandering the life of her son.

I wish i could do something

June 1, 2009 1:33 AM 

MiNi aka Pri…. said…I was just surfing in facebook and suddenly saw “rescue aditya” http://www.rescueaditya.org/index.html …. I got curious to know who is vijayshree voora? and my curiosity ended while going through your blog. I was aghast!!!!! What an insane husband he is who not only understood the emotions of his wife vijayshree but also declared her as an International kidnapper. This kind of step not only affecting her life but also somewhere may be affecting aditya’s life too.

June 14, 2009 10:20 AM

Lakshmi said…I agree. There is more to this than is obvious. Write a response on the blog unfavorable to the father and see it getting twisted out of shape and you will know who you are dealing with. I knew Viji in school and she is a bright girl. Hope she is happy with the kid wherever she is!

July 1, 2009 12:27 PM

Felix DSouza said…

Thank you for this article.
Before we just go soft and compassionate for the mother, do we even realize and see that this is actually a revenge by a mother using the child as a weapon.
What actually happened between the two I don’t know, but do you really think that the child doesn’t need a father?
It opens our eyes to the cruel mothers we have in today’s society that hold children without permission of the father, even though things are not working between parents, the child does not have to suffer this inhumane treatement of the child.
Is NHRC- National Human Rights Commission – looking out to find this child amd give the child joint permission to be with both parents?
Very sad life for the child due to a cruel mother.

August 30, 2009 7:09 PM

Jacobdog said…I can say honestly from every single interaction I had with the mother and child, what she did was out of love and fear. I don’t agree with it nor do I believe in her right mind she would have chose this outcome in a million years. She fought long and hard to do the right thing, the right way. She feared for her son and wanted to protected him. What she did was the only chance she thought she had to save him from the things she feared from his father.
Desprate people do desperate things. What has become of the childs future could very well be cruel, I don’t know. I pray for them both everyday. The mom’s intentions toward Aditya were never cruel, she never did anything but love that boy. He sure was a lovely little boy and I truely hope he is turning into a wondeful growing kid.

August 30, 2009 9:54 PM

Jacobdog said…I can say honestly from every single interaction I had with the mother and child, what she did was out of love and fear. I don’t agree with it nor do I believe in her right mind she would have chose this outcome in a million years. She fought long and hard to do the right thing, the right way. She feared for her son and wanted to protected him. What she did was the only chance she thought she had to save him from the things she feared from his father.
Desprate people do desperate things. What has become of the childs future could very well be cruel, I don’t know. I pray for them both everyday. The mom’s intentions toward Aditya were never cruel, she never did anything but love that boy. He sure was a lovely little boy and I truely hope he is turning into a wondeful growing kid.

August 30, 2009 9:54 PM 

Anonymous said…Fraud women. She would have marrried this guy for the sake of US citizenship and once she got it she wants her own way. It was mentioned in a police report that she was married earlier for 5 years and divorced that guy and married to Mr.Ravi.

These kind of women are plenty and they harass men for their own silly cheap behaviour.
Obviously, these kind of women never ever think about we are living in a civlized society and there is a law of land. These kind of women are very selfish and in the process harm everyone.

In this case, one should pitty the father and the son and not the criminal minded mother.

September 1, 2009 3:37 AM

jacobdog said…anonymous,
you have quite the opinion about someone you never met. You shouldn’t be so quick to judge.

September 1, 2009 3:36 PM

 Vidooshak said…The RescueAditya web came up as a Google Ad on my blog.

I agree with your thoughts. Aditya is singularly unlucky to have cruel human beings in both parents. While the mother may or may not be an “international terrorist”, anyone who comes up with an obsessive website like that needs mental help as well. I am not so sure about the father’s motives either.

One thing is for sure, using the child as a pawn in their ego games is the crulest thing either parent could do. While the media might love the masala in this tale, neither parent is innocent so far.

God help Adi and quick!!

September 15, 2009 11:16 PM

Anonymous said…

What baffles me is the cool way Aditya’s father acts in those ‘movies’. First he has the patience to go to these lengths to produce a movie while his son is lost. May be he is sure the kid is safe. In any case the Kid’s life is being ruined due to the clash of egos.

October 25, 2009 8:18 PM

ebb said…

One Hypothetical question I have is
“What would I do when this same situation were to happen to me?”

What if I am painted as the bad guy without knowing the facts?
Judged by the web and media as such? When say, I have nothing but love, concern, compassion for my child, who is abducted and put in danger by normal wife who developed schizophrenic delusions post-partum….refused treatment and medication, and the demons in her head would’nt let her be.

October 26, 2009 3:46 AM 

Anonymous said…For all of you out there – It is easy to take a position one way or the other, when no position should have been taken at all – for the simple reason that you don’t have all the facts and you’ll never have all the facts …

For the record, I personally know Vijayshree from over 10 years ago. She is a nice person. Does that make what she did right? Not necessarily ….

Does the fact that her husband goes to great lengths to make production quality videos make him bad …. Not necessarily ….

When normally good people are stressed beyond a certain point, they react in different ways … Some exhibit a positive response while the rest go the other way …

Vijayashree most likely started by making a small mistake (ego could be a factor here), but didn’t know when to stop and kept compounding her mistakes to the point where she had no choice but to continue her mistakes …. In the later stages, it is not the ego, but chronic/intense stress/anxiety might be the likely reasons … Vijayashree, being on the run for a while …. got into a reactive mode a long time ago … She needs to be stopped before she hurts herself and the child ….

Both parties lost control of the situation a long time ago …. Vijayashree lost it when she broke the agreement and Mr. Chandran lost it when he chose to go to the media and the web. If you know how the system works, it’s possible that Mr. Chandran was convinced that the videos would help … He could have said yes for something he’d normally say no to – for chronic stress related reasons or even financial reasons ….

Let’s hope they come to terms and do the right thing for the child …

October 26, 2009 2:35 PM

Sumanth said…Any person who violates the laws is a criminal.

Vijayashree is rich enough to engage famous lawyers and live in costly hotels.

Will you all guys had the same sympathy for the father, if the father had kidnapped the child after he was denied custody?

Why there are two sets of standards for mother and father in 21st century?

When you expect men to do baby sitting and share workload at home equal to women, why there is no equality in custody and parenting (even during divorce)?

It is sick when some people think all mothers are saints and all fathers are villains.

One commentator says that father should not go to media and web. Can I know why?

In this case, the father has done absolutely nothing illegal. He only fought for his rights and rights of the child and he trusted the judiciary in US and India (which is extremely biased towards the women).

Mothers are not Goddesses. Sorry. Those days are over.

We are in the era of Gender Equality. Crime is Crime irrespective of gender. So leave all that chivalry and come to 21st century.

According to world health organisation, 50% of Indian children are abused by their parents and mothers abuse slightly more than fathers.

In fact, a woman faces 8 times more torture from mother than her mother-in-law.

(Refer: statistics from famous National Family Health Survey at http://www.nfhsindia.org).

The commentators are stuck in 16th century in stead of thinking in the lines of gender equality.

October 28, 2009 3:12 AM

Anonymous said…@sumanth..great statistics. Have you been in a mothers shoes for once to see the panick from her eyes?

The first rule of a divorce is not bashing up the other parent in front of the child. This website that Mr Ravi created is a great way to look for a missing child but on the other hand I feel he went a little too far by critcizing the mother of his child. This incident will be published in archived news papers which the child might see sometime in his life. What will he think of his father then?

if my parental rights were snatched so sudden, maybe I would do the same. Mr Ravi has taken videos of his child saying he does not want to go to his mom, he doesnt like his mom etc. Was this snatching of custody premediatated, Mr Ravi? It sure looks like it from the website. People collect evidence only when they have to use it against someone.

I am not saying that the mother did a right thing. The child was deprived of many things for 2 yrs but it would be interesting to hear her side of the story too. If she had to run, couldnt she do that earlier? I am sure there is something more to this story.

Ravi, you potray yourself very caring towards the child on your website so how about showing some compassion and keep bottled up the ill feelings and anger you have for your ex-wife. The little boy should know that both his parents are awesome and he is their priority. Labelling his mom “international kidnapper”, might come to haunt you someday. Taking videos of the boy not wanting to go to his mom does not help your parenting skills either.

i feel the couple should be adults here and put away their egos for the childs sake. I read on the newspaper that the child was manhandled by the CBI. If only you both would be amicable for the childs sake, this would never happen. Shame on both of you.

October 28, 2009 9:27 AM

concerned parent said…Anonymous, how do you know vijayasree? I am curious because i also know her from about same period. She did masters in french in purdue. She always had these fears in her head which guided her into more and more troubles all her life. She couldn’t trust her first husband thinking that he was cheating on her. She used to follow him, literally ran after his car a couple of times to know where he was going in the middle of the day. Nobody could assure her she had nothing to fear, including her parents. It is so torturous to watch her even from a distance. I don’t know the father at all but i can really understand (though i don’t agree with his approach) how he feels. it is so frustrating to be with a mentally unstable person. eventually her first husband gave up on her. she started going on dates from there onwards because she was so charming and she has this ability to impress anyone on the first date. I lost track after that. Not sure how she met the father. The hard part is keeping any relationship because relationships are built basically on trust. And that’s the reason even after all these years, none of her friends or relatives, you dont see standing up for her. Believe it or not, she is bad news for her son. She needs chemical treatment. She has so much potential and if cured, she can be a very good mom, wife, and a citizen. Btw, if anyone thinks this is over (i read that she was caught by CBI in chennai) is so mistaken. She will drag this forever as long as her obsession gets fuel. the only way she gets over this is if she gets a new obsession.

October 28, 2009 5:47 PM

patrioticdon said…Dear all..Rather than discussing n making random judgements..can we do smthing constructive to save the child…I’m sure whoever is at fault will face the consequences..but for now its the kid who needs all the support…Can we all try n figure out the possibility of tracing them? Many ppl on this blog are known to the parties attached..can we share sm info which wud help us change d poor kids life…yes/no/may be?

October 30, 2009 2:23 AM

concerned parent said…

patrioticdon, mother and son were caught a week ago in chennai.

October 30, 2009 6:59 PM 

Anonymous said…”Concerned parent” –

I met Vijayasree slightly before you did. I lost track of her since then. I know her first husband very well too. He’s a good guy.

Approximately 4 days ago, one of my relatives refered me to the rescueaditya web site. When I saw Vijayasree on the web site, I was blown away. How bizarre? These kind of things are supposed to only happen to strangers in newspapers, but never to you or anyone you know.

“Bloggers” –

Most people don’t experience anything close to this in their lives, so they really don’t understand the physiological/psychological changes that these people experience. Given that these parties are going through this for years, the issues are chronic at this point and will take a long time to heal.

Also, if you never been to a court or involved in legal proceedings, some of the facts presented on the web site might come across strange.

Remember – you don’t know what you don’t know ….

October 30, 2009 9:59 PM

Anonymous said…Here is a must read – totally relevant to the current topic –


October 30, 2009 10:25 PM 

Dr. V. Ravi Chandran said…I am the father of Aditya Chandran, and I am very pleased with the judgment rendered by the Supreme Court of India. Agreeing with the NY family Court in Albany, Supreme Court had declared that all allegations leveled against me by Vijayasree Voora were hollow and without any substance. Two different courts in multiple jurisdictions have declared all allegations by Vijayasree are false.

Now the question is, why my son, Aditya Chandran went in front of the 3-Judge panel of the Supreme court of India and proclaimed …”My father is a bad man!”.

I love my son very much, and now he is only 7 years old. He had been continously under the influence of his mother for the past 30 months, with no communication with me. According to Justice Tarun Chatterjee, he categorically rejected poor Aditya’s statement and declared that all his statements were coached by the mother, and was unhappy about Vijayasree’s counsel that he even decided to put little Aditya in front of the judge to utter appalling statements against me.

I do have information that Vijayasree had been telling Aditya for the past 30 months, that “…your father does not love you, see, he is not even coming to see you!..”. She said these terrible messages to Aditya during his birthdays, and other important religious holidays.

It has been concluded by the psychologists, that poisoning the minds of a very young child by one parent against the other parent is one of the most brutal form of child abuse. Vijayasree had been poisoning poor Aditya brutally for the past 30 months. Unfortunately Aditya didn;t have any independent confirmation of this, as he was fully cut off from his father.

I thank all those who have made their comments here. Finally justice has prevailed. I am looking forward to spend time with my beloved son, and pray that he grows up to be a very happy individual and outstanding citizen. God bless Aditya.
Dr. V. Ravi Chandran

February 17, 2010 12:16 PM 

Anonymous said…I am unable to open web sites because this personal security web site keeps popping up. it is telling me there is no virus protection found on my computer. I have norton 360 as well as macafee. it won’t even uninstall from the add and remove program. I never loaded it in the first place. ran norton scan and it says everything is fine. don’t know what to do now. am not computer literate. need simple advice. [url=http://gordoarsnaui.com]santoramaa[/url]

February 19, 2010 11:55 AM 

Dr. V. Ravi Chandran said…

I, Dr. V. Ravi Chandran, father of Aditya Chandran, am pleased to inform all concerned here in this blog, that Aditya, my beloved son was rescued finally from the Internationally violent Child Kidnapper, convicted (US) child abuser, court certified criminally insane mother Vijayasree Voora on May 1st 2010 by the India’s premiere investigative agency, Central Bureau of Investigations from a 3rd class seedy motel in Chennai.
Aditya was immediately handed over to me, Father, on the same day by the CBI. I then quickly transported Aditya out of the filthy streets of India to which he was accustomed to back to USA on May 6th 2010. This is to prevent re-kidnapping and severe abuse of Aditya by Vijayasree and her parents and family members of Vijayasree. Very long 1020 days of incredible suffering for Aditya is now over. He will never have to return to seedy motels, abusive mother and wretched streets of India.
Aditya was very happy and pleased to join his loving family back in his native country, USA, and also started attending school in May 10, 2010.
I thank Supreme Court of India, CBI and CRISP for rendering justice to Aditya finally. God bless Aditya.
Dr. V. Ravi Chandran, Father of Aditya.

May 14, 2010 1:00 PM 

US India Child Protection and Prevention of Kidnapping said…

A new twist to protect the rights of NRI fathers (and mothers) is the use of US State Department directive to black list all those individuals who aid and abet international child kidnapping cases.
In the case of Aditya Chandran, not only his mother, but his grand parents, all family members from his mother’s side is black listed by the US Embassy so that none of them can get any visa to USA. Also, prominent directors and owners of hospitals and schools such as Apollo Hospitals, Delhi Public School officials will also be black listed by the US Embassy for helping international child kidnappers like Vijayasree Voora and they will not be allowed to enter USA.
All NRI fathers (and mothers) are urged to note down all those helping their spouses to keep their children illegally in India to make a list of such individuals and hand them over to US Embassy. Then site the US State Department directive that requires that all those who aid and abet such international kidnapping cases are deemed co conspirators and prevent them entering USA or applying for VISA to be denied for their lifetime.
Also, please contact your local police station and file for complaint that the child and the mother are overstaying their VISA.
We are confident these measures will help prevent future international kidnapping of children to India.

May 17, 2010 9:18 AM 

Anonymous said…

Hope Vijayasree is safe. Only time will tell of your relationship with your son, Mr.Ravi Chandran. If you want a future with your son as he gets old enough to make up his mind, it would be better for you to not insult his mother esp when she is not in a position to defend herself, thanks to your USD buying power. No one can tolerate that no matter what the mother is said to have done.
There is always another side to the story.and oh, assume you were born in those filthy streets at one time. My sympathies to the kid.

June 3, 2010 9:11 AM

Dr. V. Ravi Chandran said…

This anonymous person should understand, and perhaps even know that in India, “mother can do no wrong” is the public policy and sentiment, that deeply permeates Indian society, judiciary, government and culture. In such a society Vijayasree has the dubious distinction of having her child pried away from such “Indian mother” and handed over to…god forbid…an “Indian father”. Please think about this.

Two different Supreme Courts in two different countries ordered sole legal and physical custody of Aditya to me, his father. Yes I was born in India, and it is my duty to get my son out of “filthy” streets of India as he is US born, and does not belong to India.

Anonymous people are cowards, and can’t even have the gut to reveal their identity. Thus all statements made by cowards can not be taken seriously.

I am absolutely positive the best life for Aditya is now clearly in the USA, and not in the hands of a convicted international child kidnapper, convicted child molester and a court certified criminally insane as his mother.

God Bless Aditya.

June 8, 2010 9:11 AM

Anonymous said…Mr Chandran, some thing looks realy fishy here. i am no body to judge anybody here. may be Aditya when he grows up will be able to better judge . wait for that.

June 11, 2010 11:59 AM

Dr V Ravi Chandran said…

Anonymous is nobody to jugde anyone here. The honorable judges of the two supreme courts of two different countries have already judged Vijayasree Voora to be an international child kidnapper, crimincally insane and a convicted child molester. That should be enough.

June 12, 2010 6:44 AM 

Anonymous said…totally untrue, the honorable supreme court of india has told the mother to go back with the child to having joint custody in their Nov 17, order. they have only said the mother should take up any custody issues they have with the US courts as the child is an american citizen.
as for the u.s courts, the county of warren family court, NY which granted the divorce requested by voora in April 2005, the primary physical custody was given to the mother as the father abandoned the child and mother in New York after locking them out of their marital home and left to dallas, tx.
only in 2007, when the father applied for modification of custody in a different new court that did not know the history of the case, albany court, the mother under duress had to sign for joint custody and moving to dallas. both the custody orders were mutual consent orders. whatever, mr. chandran says is untrue but oft repeated by chandran to make it look like it is true. in fact, now he is claiming the child needs treatment and is harrassing the child. the child was doing perfectly fine and finished his academic year in chennai in calibre academy with good grades and records. he was attending a summer dance class and a global art program while he was forcibly removed from there. please pray for the child. the child needs all our prayers. ravi chandran has claimed his own father is crazy and killed himself prior to this, accused his first wife, an american jew, to be crazy and put her in treatment, and then falsely accused voora too of the same. it is ravi chandran who has been in psychiatric treatment from 1993 where he keeps claiming he is a victim while actually he is victimising them.
the man is a nightmare and a gas chamber rolled into one. actually, it would be a surprise if someone does not go crazy after being under his control for a year or two. For all the guys and gals, gentlemen and ladies, indians and americans out there please dont make this a gender issue, father/mother issue, nor a country issue, without knowing the facts. the man does not behave like a father, he isolated the child over a year without school and doctors and mentally and physically abused the child before the lady ran away from there.

June 13, 2010 9:36 AM 

Dr V Ravi Chandran said…It is clear that the paranoidal schizophrenic ramblings by this “anonymous” is actually Vijayasree Voora. No one is planning to believe this crazy woman and she really needs chemical treatment.

People should thank God that Aditya was finally rescued from the International convicted child kidnapper, convicted child abuser, felon, and court certified crackpot, who will be in our prayers so that she gets some proper treatment.

June 14, 2010 8:44 PM

kasha said…Dr V Ravi Chandran,

If you are the saint of a father you claim to be why are you wasting your time defending yourself on some meaningless online chat? Go spend it with your son you fought so hard to get back.

Your attempts to “prove” Mrs. Voora’s mental state only makes yours questioned. Your need to defend yourself makes you appear suspicious, ask any psychiatrist.
You may have got your son back but don’t think you appear innocent in all this.

Your little boy is very smart and no doubt will learn the truth on his own. You torturing his mother, calling her names, is only going to drive him away and make others disgusted in your pettiness.

Take a look at yourself before you judge others. Don’t think your true colors aren’t shining here.

I pray so much for Aditya!

We do too.

Thanks for your website Nomad-Mindcrawler!


9 thoughts on “Who is Vijayasree Voora?

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  1. Now this is 2021, finally what happened, how’s Vijji Voora now, and the kid, both are safe?.

  2. i also think there is something big that is hidden, a man with so much hatred & vengeance & bitterness, can never bring up a child & teach him love. I will pray for Aditya & his safety. Only God knows the truth & i believe one day in the courts of heaven both parents will be answerable.

  3. I, Dr. V. Ravi Chandran, father of Aditya Chandran is pleased to inform all those who have commented here that Aditya’s life is stable secure and happy in the USA. He routinely talks to his mother via Skype, and he will visit her when he is old enough so that he can not be kidnapped and held hostage by anyone. I will keep all of you posted here as the time moves forward. God bless Aditya.

  4. I, Dr. V. Ravi Chandran, father of Aditya is pleased to inform everybody in this blog, all doom and gloom for the upbringing of Aditya by me, a single dad, was singularly proven to be false and illogical. An article soon to be published in one of the India’s leading newspapers will document the life of Aditya in the USA after he was rescued from his violent mentally ill mother, and will set the truth when published. Keep watching….. God bless Aditya.

  5. Dear Michael Sr. ,

    Based on that which I’ve read about this case, the mother is reasonable and intelligent.

    Mothers who are reasonable and intelligent do not trade a safe life for a live full of unknown, constant life-threatening risks. Something tells me she must have felt her child was in danger with the father. I’m guessing she ran thinking that running would be the only way to protect her child. She was probably right. Click here for information about a new documentary on the subject: http://nowayoutbutone.com/

    Did you know that most any father can receive full legal and physical custody of a child in our nation’s family courts? Did you know that a father can very easily sever all contact between a child and mother?

    There was a case in California a few years ago, involving a father who “french-kissed” his toddler in front of the child’s mother. Why?

    So the mother would respond approprately and ask the family court to protect her child from further abuse.

    Why would the father want the mother to ask the family court to protect the child?

    1. Because no one but the mother, father and child knew what happened.

    2. The child was too young to speak about the incident and the father knew that.

    3. The mother had no idea that the father would tell the court she was “alienating” the child from him. Without proof of abuse, the father would receive custody as a result of the mother’s reasonable efforts to protect her child.

    So what about the custody cases in which one or both parents are “crazy”? Those cases, called “high -conflict cases”, are actually cases involving child and/or spousal abuse and they don’t belong in the regular family courts.

    Since most statistics indicate that 90% of the divorce and custody cases don’t involve abuse, why not separate the abuse cases from the typical custody cases that DON’T involve abuse? That way, experts trained in the fields of domestic violence, spousal and child abuse can focus on keeping children and parents safe and we’ll save precious time, precious resources and precious lives.

    The name of the game has been to keep these “high-conflict” cases going until the children are 18 – if everyone survives that long. Establishing separate domestic violence and abuse family courts would stop the family court cottage industry in its tracks. Now there’s a good idea.

    See: https://juliafletcher.wordpress.com/2010/12/26/family-court-parental-alienation-scam/

  6. poor kid.
    mom wanted to keep the kid to herself and hence took him to India, never to return.
    Obviously rich father spared no means and spent a good amount from his vast wealth to find the kid.
    In all possibilities he bribed, police to do searches, politicians AND got an injunction from the supreme court. THE supreme court. phew. wonder how he did that in such a short time, when i think of the sheer number of cases that are pending in the supreme court, cases outdating prehistoric times.
    Police find the kid and return him to the father.

    moral of the story – MONEY is above all. you can do ANYTHING physically possible if you have money.

    Too bad for the kid. eventually hes gonna read about himself and his batsh!t crazy parents.

    I wonder how he’ll turn out.

  7. I think the REAL victim here is the child. He is going to be scarred for life. The mother is obviously not a saint but the father comes across as a vindictive, control freak. Poor, poor, poor Aditya. Let us pray that when he grows up, he does not have any mental health issues as a result of his ‘upbringing’.

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