

Dear friends,

If you’re looking for other parents and advocates in your state, if you need information or need something else, if court watchers would help or if you’ve scheduled a meeting or demonstration in your state, please let us know!

When the going gets tough, don’t go it alone. Find good people in your state. Network. Support each other. Have a picnic every once in a while too.  

8 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Patricia, I may be losing my daughter to custody of an addict father.
    I’m still fighting in courts but not sure the outcome. He’s very evil and his family have been doing everything they can to destroy my life and my bond w my daughter.

  2. Looking for other moms in CA/NV, NV handed over my 3 year old to my abuser of 13 years, he took her on mother’s day and never returned her. Interstate case, what happens to us?? Nobody to help children of interstate child custody cases.((( Please help)))

  3. Please look for me ( and, twitter @aMississippiMom) for contact information. I too have been looking for other parents, especially women who have wrongfully lost custody of their children due to unjust courts/custody hearings.

  4. Hi Patricia,

    Find other mothers in your state. Find good fathers too. Gather evidence of wrongdoing in your cases. Find patterns. Notice the same names of attorneys, GALS and custody evaluators showing up in all the cases. Court watch for each other. Look for good law enforcement officers and good legislators to review the evidence and go from there. All it takes is finding other good parents, advocates, law enforcement and legislators who are willing and able to work together to protect children and families from those who have turned our family courts into a criminal enterprise for their own profit.

    Pray too. Ask for guidance and have faith. Everything is going to be okay.



  5. I want to communicate with women that lost custody of their child for injustice of the family courts

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